About Erin

I used to be a geeky IT technical writer for a government contractor in northern Virginia.  For fun, I have been known to put together a mean bulleted list and, no matter the time or distance, some things are just incurable – like the burning desire to color code everything in sight.

I am now a geeky part-time consultant in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado.  Our three sweet, feral children are Emma (age 9), Seth (age 5) and Rachel (age 3).  We have a dog named Butters.  I joke about keeping chickens.  My husband is serious about bees.  We’ll see how that all goes.

I don’t think I qualify as a responsible adult so it’s a huge help that I’m married to one.  Kevin is tall, dark, handsome and wicked smart.  Sadly, he’s not from Southy and does not have a cute Boston accent but that might be his only failing.  He has such a huge range of hobbies and accomplishments that your eyes would roll if I listed even a portion of them.  I’m very proud of him.  I will obnoxiously brag about him.  You have been warned.

In addition to writing, I like to bike, run, hike, ski, and I spent many mornings one summer learning to row.  I want to be a much better, leaner, faster athlete.  In my head, it seems like I should be able to run ultras, bike centuries, and carve mountains like a mofo, but the reality is that I have a hard time sticking to any sort of consistent training schedule or diet, so I’m in no shape for that.  Instead, I drink wine and watch P90x commercials.  I fight the lazy on a daily basis.

As proof that I’m completely out of touch with reality, I signed up for a 120-mile bike ride in July, the Triple Bypass, so, you can check here to see how that’s going from time to time. (edited: I trained for it, mainly.  I went up a lot of mountains.  I wasn’t ready by the time the ride arrived.  I didn’t end up doing it, I *did* go to a fun party that day instead.)

I am astonished that I am not living in a box down by the river.  I have a great life despite my chronic underachievement and procrastination.  I’m good at sarcasm, avoiding crowds, and my legs have been measured and are of surprisingly equal length.  I smile a lot.

Notable among my many failings: a complete lack of fashion sense and sometimes questionable social skills and hygiene.  I’ve drunkenly begged well-dressed PTA moms to take pity on me and take me shopping (no takers).  I own more fleece jackets and flip flops than a grown woman should.  And, I knowingly commit the most heinous of sins: I wear them together.  I fit in pretty well in Colorado – I just need a visor and cargo shorts (a golden retriever named Dakota wearing a bandana would top things off nicely, too).  I’m known for taking things a weeeee little bit too far and not knowing when it stops being funny.  Feel free to cut me off at any time.

How did I end up at Notty Pea?  Read about the site’s origins.

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4 responses to “About Erin

  1. LMAO, oh my gosh, I just clicked over from your comment on my blog, and I swear I feel like we’re soul sisters already. Shoot me an email with where you live in CO if you’re comfortable doing that!

    PS – I wore a puffy coat and flip flops to lunch yesterday…and it was awesome.

    • excellent! I seem to be favoring the fleece vest, skirt, and snowboots combo lately. And it’s not even my fancy going-out fleece.

    • Thanks! I’m obsessing over chickens at the moment – so your chickens – problems, issues, egglessness and all – are SO fun to read about. And the pictures. YAY for cute chicken pictures!

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